Eye-spy Competition Winner Receives T-rrific Prize!

2nd December 2022

Over the summer we were proud to be part of Break’s GoGoDiscover county-wide art trail, delivered in partnership with Wild in Art, which showcased a colourful herd of T.Rex and Mammoth sculptures throughout Norwich and Norfolk. 

55 T.Rex, 25 Steppe Mammoths and 100 Breakasaurus sculptures were decorated by talented artists, schools and community groups, creating a stunning display throughout the city and county. 

And as part of this roar-some event, we ran an eye-spy competition to get you all looking a little closer at the Big Daddy of all Dinosaurs – our very own T. Rex, beautifully painted by Norfolk artist Jo Fiske.

Covered from eyeball to tail with intricate dinosaur details, featuring every specie you can imagine, he was the must-see sculpture for any mammoth fan of dinosaurs.

Our Daddy of all Dinosaurs sculpture was one that you could stop at, enjoy, and have lots of fun with by taking some time to look closely and discover more. Why? Because amongst his vibrant decorations, he was hiding lots of dinosaur eggs for only the keenest of eye to spot!

The eye-spy competition invited you to find and count all the eggs and then enter a free prize draw, with the closest number winning a T-rrific bundle of dinosaur themed goodies. In total, there were 25 eggs hidden and, even though there was a gigantic number of entries, Ellen Collins was only one person who managed to count the exact amount!

Ellen was presented with her prize of; a cuddly GoGoDiscover dinosaur, a T.Rex calendar, and some book tokens for independent Norwich book shop Bookbugs and Dragon Tales, at Dipple & Conway’s Norwich branch on Castle Street last month.

Congratulations Ellen! 

And thank you to everyone who took a closer look at our Daddy of all Dinosaurs this summer. 

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